
Book Introduction

Discover practical insights into the Book of Ruth. You'll find David Jeremiah's introduction to the Book of Ruth on page 347-348 of  The Jeremiah Study Bible.

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Three Choices

Ruth 1:1,2

Whenever we face trials in our lives, we can deal with them in one of three ways:

  1. We can endure trials. People who choose this option decide to tolerate what is going on, but they are not going to like it, and they will probably grumble about it constantly. Over...

The Barley Harvest

Ruth 3:2

In ancient times, harvesting barley involved several stages. After cutting the grain with a sickle and gathering it into sheaves, the reapers took the barley to the threshing floor on top of a hill. Oxen were attached to a long board, and as they circled the...

For Additional Reading

Check out these items in the Jeremiah Study Bible

Ruth Feature Title Page
1:1-4 Historically Speaking The Moabites 349
2 Essentials of the Christian Faith Women in the Bible 352
3:10-13 FYI Levirate Marraige 353
4:11, 12 Picture This The Houses of Israel 354
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Three Steps Back to God

Waiting on God

Decisions Determine Destiny

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Ruth, Romance and Redemption

Ruth, Romance and Redemption

Price: $78.00

Though only four chapters in length, the Book of Ruth has long been recognized—even by those who don’t believe the Bible—as a literary masterpiece. But for all its literary beauty and excellence, it is so much more than that.