Nobody has ever had a perfect day. We have "perfect storms" but not perfect days. Yet Proverbs says that if we are on the path of having trusted Christ and the light has shined into our hearts, we are headed toward the perfect day. That day is a day that will last forever and never be tarnished by even one imperfection. That is the goal. There is no other way to go. According to this verse, "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death."
Christians are headed toward a day like no day we can imagine. However, we have to walk on the path to get there. As one writer has put it,
"Life is a story in volumes three,
the past and the present and the yet to be.
The first is finished and laid away;
the second, we're reading day by day;
the third and last, or volume three,
is locked from sight in eternity."
We are writing a story day by day. We must not let what happened in the past color what we are writing now. Write every chapter through the grace of God. Understand that as you write today's chapters, nothing in this moment compares to what God has already written for the future. One day, we will be able to open up the whole book and read the beginning all the way through to the end. I have already read the last chapter of God's Book. If you are a believer, you will not be disappointed.
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