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Great Offerings

Nehemiah 2-6

Great vision inspires generous giving. Throughout the OT, an awareness of God at work unleashes a torrent of generosity from the people of God.

  • Moses' Great Tabernacle Offering (Ex. 35—36). Once God provided the detailed plan for the movable tent where His glory would reside, the people wholeheartedly gave all the materials required for the project.
  • David's Temple Offering (1 Chron. 28:20). Although God told him he would not be allowed to construct the house of God, David obtained the location and the materials Solomon would need for his grand temple.
  • Nehemiah's Great Jerusalem Wall Offering. Even the king of Persia contributed materials for rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem, but the greatest generosity came from the people, who gave their time and strength to the project. 

God's people today are capable of equal generosity when provided with a clear and compelling reason to give.

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