
Book Introduction

Discover practical insights into the Book of Nehemiah. You'll find David Jeremiah's introduction to the Book of Nehemiah on page 621-623 of  The Jeremiah Study Bible.

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Praying to God

Nehemiah 1

Nehemiah had a vision for rebuilding the walls. Step one for getting things done for God is prayer. His prayers were:

  • Motivated by Concern
  • Marked by Compassion
  • A Prayer of Confession
  • A Prayer of Conviction
  • A Prayer of Commitment 

From prayer we can...

Why would Nehemiah ask God to remember? Does God forget things?

Nehemiah 1:8

Nehemiah used the word remember often in prayer (1:8; 5:19; 6:14; 13:14, 22, 29, 31). In his opening prayer, Nehemiah asked God to remember, not because he thought God might forget, but as a way of saying, "I'm...

Focused: Rebuilding the Wall

Nehemiah 4

When reading Ezra and Nehemiah (and associated prophetic books: Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi) it is easy to miss the chronological markers that separate the main events. Here is a brief chronology with approximate dates:

  • 538 B.C. First exiles leave...

Great Offerings

Nehemiah 2-6

Great vision inspires generous giving. Throughout the OT, an awareness of God at work unleashes a torrent of generosity from the people of God.

  • Moses' Great Tabernacle Offering (Ex. 35—36). Once God provided the detailed plan for the movable tent where His...

Interpreting Scripture (8:8)

Nehemiah 8:8

Giving the "sense" of a passage involves three things:

  1. Seeing what the text says (observation)
  2. Learning what it means in its original context (interpretation)
  3. Understanding what it means for today (application). 

Without the final step of...

Casting Lots

Nehemiah 11:1

Casting lots was common among ancient cultures. It was practiced by the Persians (Esth. 3:7), the pagan sailors on whose ship Jonah was running from God (Jonah 1:7), and the Roman soldiers vying for Christ's clothes at the crucifixion (Matt. 27:35). It is also...

For Additional Reading

Check out these items in the Jeremiah Study Bible

Nehemiah Feature Title Page
1:5-6:19 Teaching Points The Blueprint 624
2:17, 18 For Reflection Lesson in Leadership 625
3:1-32 Historically Speaking A Gated Community 626
4:10-15 For Reflection Under Attack 628
5:6-8 For Reflection The Power of Righteous Anger 629
8:1-13:31 Teaching Points  Ten Steps to Spiritual Renewal 633
10:37 FYI Levites 638
12:31-43 Historically Speaking Passages and Songs 640
13:1-31 For Reflection The hard Details of Revival 641
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Getting Back to the Bible

Nehemiah's Revival

Giving Thanks for God's Goodness

The Stress of Discouragement

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