Discover practical insights into the Book of Mark. You'll find David Jeremiah's introduction to the Book of Mark on page 1339-1341 of The Jeremiah Study Bible.
Mark | Feature | Title | Page |
1:9-11 | Essentials of the Christian Faith | The Triune God | 1343 |
2:1-12 | For Reflection | Bringing Friends to Jesus | 1345 |
4:37-41 | For Reflection | Surviving Life's Storms | 1350 |
6:17,18 | Historically Speaking | Herod and Herodias | 1353 |
7:10-13 | FYI | The Danger of Tradition | 1355 |
9:2-6 | Historically Speaking | Elijah | 1358 |
10:17-25 | Historically Speaking | The Power of Possessions | 1362 |
11:11-14 | Picture This | The Cursed Fig Tree | 1364 |
12:13 | Chart | Overview of Jewish Groups at the Time of Jesus |
1366 |
12:41 | Historically Speaking | Treasury Boxes | 1367 |
13:1,2 | Historically Speaking | The Temple | 1368 |
14:33,34 | Picture This | Jesus' Anguish | 1370 |