
Book Introduction

Discover practical insights into the Book of Isaiah. You'll find David Jeremiah's introduction to the Book of Isaiah on page 879-880 of  The Jeremiah Study Bible.

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The Suffering Servant

Isaiah 53

Isaiah 53 has been called "The Gospel of Isaiah" in no small part because of an incident that happened not long after the resurrection and ascension of Jesus. Philip, one of the original seven appointed to serve in the Jerusalem church (Acts 6:5), was led by...

For Additional Reading

Check out these items in the Jeremiah Study Bible

Isaiah Feature Title Page
2:3,4 For Reflection Age of Peace and Prosperity 883
5:1-10 Picture This Vineyard Song 885
6:1-3 FYI Serephim 887
8:6-8 Picture This The Soft-Flowing Waters of 
9:6,7 FYI The Ultimate Ruler 890
11:11-16 FYI On That Day 894
11:1-10 Essentials on the Christian Faith The Millennium 895
13:9,10 Picture This Darkness Falling 896
18:4 Picture This Like Sunshine and Dew 901
27:1 Historically Speaking Leviathan 909
28:16 FYI The Essential Stone 911
30:15-17 For Reflection In Quietness and Strength 914
42:6 Essentials of the Christin Faith God's Purpose for Israel 928
53:1-12 Picture This The Suffering Servant 942
53 Essentials of the Christian Faith  The Earthly Ministry of Christ 943
60:10-14 FYI Zion Restored 950
66:22 Essentials of the Christian Faith Heaven 956
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