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The High Places

1 Kings 3:2-4

Deuteronomy 12:2, 5 prohibited worship at the high places because they were associated with Canaanite idolatry (see also 11:7; 2 Kgs. 16:4). The high places were scattered throughout the land, fairly elaborate in design and construction, and used for worship and to inquire of Yahweh. The fact that the LORD appeared to Solomon at the high place in Gibeon (3:4) does not condone this practice, for the author has made it clear in 3:3 that Solomon's worship at the high places was an exception to Solomon's obedience to the LORD. Nor does the lack of a temple at Jerusalem (3:2) excuse this practice. Solomon apparently went to the high place at Gibeon because the tabernacle and bronze alter were still there (2 Chr. 1:1-6). But he could have brought these items to Jerusalem as David had done with the ark of the covenant (2 Chr. 1:4).

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