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As a Father with His Children

1 Kings 17:1-7

One of the sobering thoughts about the Christian life is that God cares more about how we live than about what we accomplish in our lives. His purpose is to build Christians, not cathedrals. His focus is on people, not programs. And for this reason, when God works in the life of a person, He often allows unexplainable events to prepare and perfect the servants that He plans to use to represent His cause. The Bible says that "Whom God loves, He scourges" (Heb. 12:6). And He scourges every son and daughter. So when difficult things happen in our lives, it is not always evidence that something is wrong; it could be proof that something is very right—that we belong to God, that He is our Father, and that He is treating us as fathers often deal with their beloved children (Heb. 12:7–10).

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