1 Kings

Book Introduction

Discover practical insights into the Book of 1 Kings. You'll find David Jeremiah's introduction to the Book of 1 Kings on page 437-438 of  The Jeremiah Study Bible.

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The High Places

1 Kings 3:2-4

Deuteronomy 12:2, 5 prohibited worship at the high places because they were associated with Canaanite idolatry (see also 11:7; 2 Kgs. 16:4). The high places were scattered throughout the land, fairly elaborate in design and construction, and used for worship...

The Divided Kingdom

1 Kings 12

Jesus was once accused of casting out demons by the power of Satan himself. Jesus countered such an inconsistency with His famous words, "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and a house divided against a house falls" (Luke 11:17)....

As a Father with His Children

1 Kings 17:1-7

One of the sobering thoughts about the Christian life is that God cares more about how we live than about what we accomplish in our lives. His purpose is to build Christians, not cathedrals. His focus is on people, not programs. And for this...

In the Silence

1 Kings 19:11-13

The tornado-like wind that Elijah experienced blew with such force and violence that it must have ripped rocks from their natural ledges and tossed them to the valley floor as if they were mere seeds being blown in the wind. God was not in this awesome...


1 Kings 21:1

Jezreel is the place in Israel where: Gideon fought the great battle with the 300 mighty men against the Midianites (Judges 7); Saul visited the witch of Endor (1 Samuel 28); Saul and his son Jonathan died because of Saul's wickedness (1 Samuel 31); King Josiah, one of...

For Additional Reading

Check out these items in the Jeremiah Study Bible

1 Kings Feature Title Page
3:5-12 For Reflection A Dream and a Prayer 445
6:12,13 FYI The Gift of His Presence 448
7:1-12 Historically Speaking The Palace Complex 450
11:4 Picture This Solomon's Sins 457
12:2-33 Picture This The Exodus Replay 459
16:30,31 FYI The Wicked Jezebel 466
17:21 Tough Questions Why did Elijah stretch himself
over the boy three times? 
19:4-14 FYI The Weary Warrior 470
22:20 Tough Questions What was the lying spirit? 475
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