The New Man
Ephesians 4:20-24
Since the old man has been "put off," we are to embrace the new man. Paul gives three characteristics of the new man:
- The new man has a new connection (4:20). While the old man was spiritually disconnected, the new man is connected to Christ. While the old man was alienated from the life of God, the believer has a vibrant relationship with God.
- The new man has a new conviction (4:21). While the old life was full of mental darkness, the new life is filled with the revelation of Jesus Christ through His Word. Every believer must come to the place where he or she says, "Lord God, because you saved me, I am finished with the wicked things that were a part of my life before I became a Christian."
- The new man is a new creation (4:24). Believers are created after the likeness of God, to be holy and righteous. How terrible to get to heaven and pull your tired feet through the pearly gates, with the smell of smoke still on your clothes! Much better to get to heaven in victory, with hands lifted high, thanking God for all the great things He has done in your life.
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