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What We Learn from Daniel's 70 Weeks

Daniel 9:20-27

The perpetuity of God's people. Daniel sat a captive in Babylon, away from his people for 69 years, and wondered if God had forgotten him. God gave Daniel this prophecy to tell him He had not forgotten about him or His promises to the nation of Israel. There are Jews the world over who recognize this and are waiting for God to fulfill His promises.

The purpose of the captivity. Before the captivity, the Jews violated their Sabbath. For 490 years they refused to do what God asked them to do—set aside one year as holy unto Him—so God took their freedom away and let their land become desolate. God allowed them to be captives for 70 years (the equivalent of the lost Sabbath years), then warned them of the coming 490 years in the future. And during those years of captivity, the Jews learned about God. They stopped worshiping idols and turned back to the one true God.

The personal involvement of God. Sometimes incomprehensible events occur in our lives and we cannot see the purpose in them. But God is always at work on our behalf, even when we do not understand what He is doing. God loves us and wants to be involved with us. He wants to be involved personally, not impersonally. On five different occasions, God sent the angel Gabriel to minister to Daniel. God cares about people, and He cares for you.

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